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07月03日 周三 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 读书汇报。 李玮雪(博士生)、刘威(博士生)

06月19日 周三 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 邹建文 (博士生)

06月05日 周三 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 王乔 (中南财经政法大学金融学院硕士生)
  • 题目:文化消费能影响老年人健康吗?

  • 摘要:随着老年人生活方式逐渐转型,老年人消费越来越多被注入精神层面的需求,文化类消费逐渐增多,消费升级趋势明显。文化类消费对老年人的健康状况究竟有什么样的影响呢?基于CHARLS2013 和2015 的数据,采用Ordered Probit 模型评估了文化消费对老年人健康的影响。研究结果表明,美容消费对老年人的心理感受有积极的作用,可以缓解老年人烦躁不安的情形,同时对老年人自评健康有积极影响,当老年人增加美容消费时,他们的自评健康程度会提高;对老年人个体各方面满意度有正向影响。旅游消费同美容消费一样,对老年人的心理感受有积极的作用,可以缓解老年人烦躁不安的情形。健身消费,当老年人同时存在四种消费时,增加健身消费,老年人因健康和记忆原因造成的生活上的困难就会增加。娱乐消费对老年人的健康没有显著的影响。综合来看,文化消费对老年人的健康有积极作用,当中老年人的文化消费趋于多元化时,对其自身的健康是有利的。老年人应使自己的消费方式和生活方式多元化,增强自身健康水平,提升生活质量。

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  1. 工作论文汇报。 龚长安 (博士生)
  • 题目:国家重点生态功能区设立的环境规制效应研究——以长江生态经济带为例

  • 摘要:国家重点生态功能区通过中央转移支付激励当地政府进行环境保护,是对中国目前环境规制体系的补充,弥补了以前环境规制对生态环境良好地区保护的欠缺。本文以长江生态经济带为例,基于中国工业企业数据库、哥伦比亚大学国际地球科学信息网络中心雾霾数据以及国控监测点水污染数据,使用双重差分倾向得分匹配方法(PSM-DID)方法构造模型,识别国家重点生态功能区设立的环境规制效应。研究发现,长江生态经济带国家重点生态功能区的设立,通过转移支付对地方政府进行财政激励,有效地抑制了当地污染产业的发展,对大气污染治理效果治理明显,阻止了长江经济带生态环境良好的地区成为“污染天堂”,出现了“污染洼地”效应。国家重点生态功能区设立有了初步成效,但是有以下几点问题。长江下游地区国家重点生态功能区环境规制效果不理想,可能形成环境保护的“破窗效应”。对于长江流域尤为重要的水污染治理不透彻,专注于治理考核目标的污染物,而忽视其他污染物的治理。原因在于环境保护提升了地方政府财政债务风险,因此降低了其环境保护的积极性。并且由于缺乏公众参与、平级政府监督以及市场调控,上级政府自上而下的监督考核不具有全面性,导致地方政府选择性进行环境治理。

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05月28日 周二 3:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 杨子超 (Ph.D. Candidate at Virginia Tech)
  • Title:Efficiency in the Bitcoin Market
  • Abstract: Previous studies on bitcoin usually treat bitcoin as another conventional asset. In this paper we bring the technology aspect of bitcoin into consideration. We find that the transaction fee in the bitcoin market acts differently from that in the conventional financial market due to the design of the bitcoin mining algorithm. Furthermore, unlike conventional assets, there are hundreds of exchanges around the world trading bitcoin 24/7. This unique phenomenon leads us to define two types of efficiency in the bitcoin market: the efficiency inside a single exchange and the efficiency on the market level. Because of the unique transaction fee mechanism, these two kinds of efficiency do not always move in the same direction. We find that when the bitcoin market becomes active, it improves single exchange efficiency but reduces efficiency on the market level.
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05月22日 周三 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 杨光 (南开大学经济学院副教授)
  • 题目:政府的研发激励政策、企业的生命周期与持续创新能力——基于国家级企业技术中心名单的分析
  • 摘要:本文首次利用国家发改委公布的2005年至2016年《国家级企业技术中心名单》与上市公司数据进行匹配,研究了企业设立国家级技术中心对其创新绩效的影响,尤其是对企业持续创新能力的影响。研究结果发现,设立国家级技术中心的企业比没有设立该中心的企业平均多出0.3563年的时间处于其专利申请数量高于行业平均值的状态,另外企业的专利申请数量也显著提高。本文通过中介效应分析发现,政府补贴的增加和企业研发支出的增加是导致上述现象的两个重要传导机制,而企业研发支出的增加正是由政府通过设立国家级企业技术中心来引导的。具体来说,政府补贴和企业研发支出分别解释了16.9%和28.8%的企业持续创新能力的增强,也分别解释了20.4%和41.7%的企业专利申请数量增加。另外,本文还发现这两种中介效应会随着企业投资现金流的增加而变大,随着企业经营现金流的增加而变小,而企业的投资现金流和经营现金流是识别企业生命周期的重要指标,因此本文将企业划分为处于成长期、成熟期和衰退期(新周期)等不同的阶段,发现处于成长期和衰退期(新周期)的企业如果设立了国家级企业技术中心将会极大地改善其创新绩效,而处于成熟期的企业效果并不明显,原因是成长期和衰退期(新周期)的企业更有动力去研发新产品和新技术,而处于成熟期的企业仅仅依靠既有产品和技术就可以获得足够的经营现金流,因此研发动力较弱。此外,本文还针对行业异质性进行了拓展分析,结果发现行业竞争程度较高和高科技行业的企业如果设立国家级企业技术中心对于其创新绩效的改善较大,因此政策可以向它们倾斜,最后通过重新衡量企业的创新能力和改变匹配方法说明本文的实证结果是稳健的。
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05月08日 周三7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 张嘉俊 (硕士研究生)
  • Title: Estimation for spatial dynamic panel data with fixed effects: The case of spatial stability
  • Abstract: We investigate the asymptotic properties of QML estimators of the dynamic SAC panel model when both n and T are large under the condition of space system is stable. We find that when the model both with individual and time effects, the estimators of the transformation approach are similar to that of the individual effects only. For direct approach, the QMLEs have the bias of max(O(1/T), O(1/n)). At this point, transformation approach has advantage over the direct approach especially when n is relatively small. BCQMLEs perform better than QMLEs due to reduce the biases. Ignoring the spatial disturbances correlation may cause the estimators biased and statistical inference failed. An empirical illustration shows the merits of our estimators. When the spatial matrix is endogenous and time-varying, a 2SIV estimation method based on the control function method is more accurate than the QML estimation with exogenous and time-varying spatial matrix and the invariant spatial matrix.
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04月24日 周三7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 2019第一季度宏观经济形势分析

    • 汇报人:冯飞洋,李立新
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  2. 工作论文汇报。 柯杨敏(华中农业大学 经济管理学院 博士研究生)。

    • Title: Risk Spillovers between U.S. and Chinese Agricultural Futures Markets: from the Perspective of Decomposed Daily Returns
    • Abstract: This paper examines the risk spillovers effect between U.S. and Chinese agricultural futures markets with three popular commodities, i.e., soybean, sugar and corn, from the prospective of decomposed daily returns. The conditional value at risk (CoVaR) measure is employed, and it is estimated with a dynamic BB1 Copula model. According to a systemic detection and comparison of the risk spillovers through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov bootstrapping test, the leading role of U.S. markets is emphasized while the importance of Chinese markets is also documented. It is notable that the overnight session is the main source of risk spillover comparing with the daytime session. Furtherly, upside risk spillovers are commonly greater than the downside. Finally, risk spillovers of soybean are higher than sugar and sugar is higher than corn.
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04月24日 周三7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 何韵文(清华大学 经济管理学院 博士研究生)。
  • 题目:虚假的富裕
  • 摘要:随着城市人口规模扩大与城市人口密度的提高,住房变得相对稀缺,住房支出份额 是逐渐提高的。这意味着住房与一般工业制造品之间的替代弹性并不是可以完全替代的, 存在刚性的住房需求。研究文献中常用的效用函数均隐含假设住房支出份额是不变的,这 不能反映住房支出份额随城市人口密度提高而提高的现象。本文采用住房支出份额随城市 人口密度提高而提高的效用函数,通过构建包含有内生增长的理论模型进行数值模拟分析 发现,随着城市人口规模,居民名义收入不断提高,但是居民福利呈倒“U”形变化。也就 是说,当城市规模超过某一最优规模之后,随着城市规模的扩大,居民名义收入仍会进一 步扩大,但是居民的实际福利缺在下降。本文定义这种情形下的名义高收入是虚假的富裕 。应用中国的数据进行实证分析,发现中国一些特大城市超过了城市最优规模,其居民名 义上的高收入是虚假的富裕。为此应鼓励大中小城市协调发展。
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03月27日 周三7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 文献汇报。 魏金宝(博士研究生)。
  • Title: Runs on Money Market Mutual Funds (by Lawrence Schmidt, Allan Timmermann, and Russ Wermers).
  • Abstract: We study daily money market mutual fund flows at the individual share class level during September 2008. This fine granularity of data allows new insights into investor and portfolio holding characteristics conducive to run risk in cash-like asset pools. We find that cross-sectional flow data observed during the week of the Lehman failure are consistent with key implications of a simple model of coordination with incomplete information and strategic complementarities. Similar conclusions follow from daily models fitted to capture dynamic interactions between investors with differing levels of sophistication within the same money fund, holding constant the underlying portfolio.
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03月13日 周三7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 文献汇报。宋亚军(硕士研究生)。
  • Title: Public Debt and Interest Rates (by Olivier Blanchard).
  • Abstract: The lecture focuses on the costs of public debt when safe interest rates are low. I develop four main arguments. First, I show that the current U.S. situation in which safe interest rates are expected to remain below growth rates for a long time, is more the historical norm than the exception. If the future is like the past, this implies that debt rollovers, that is the issuance of debt without a later increase in taxes may well be feasible. Put bluntly, public debt may have no fiscal cost. Second, even in the absence of fiscal costs, public debt reduces capital accumulation, and may therefore have welfare costs. I show that welfare costs may be smaller than typically assumed. The reason is that the safe rate is the risk-adjusted rate of return on capital. If it is lower than the growth rate, it indicates that the risk-adjusted rate of return to capital is in fact low. The average risky rate however also plays a role. I show how both the average risky rate and the average safe rate determine welfare outcomes. Third, I look at the evidence on the average risky rate, i.e. the average marginal product of capital. While the measured rate of earnings has been and is still quite high, the evidence from asset markets suggests that the marginal product of capital may be lower, with the difference reflecting either mismeasurement of capital or rents. This matters for debt: The lower the marginal product, the lower the welfare cost of debt. Fourth, I discuss a number of arguments against high public debt, and in particular the existence of multiple equilibria where investors believe debt to be risky and, by requiring a risk premium, increase the fiscal burden and make debt effectively more risky, This is a very relevant argument, but it does not have straightforward implications for the appropriate level of debt. My purpose in the lecture is not to argue for more public debt, especially in the current political environment. It is to have a richer discussion of the costs of debt and of fiscal policy than is currently the case.
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02月28日 周四7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 假期见闻交流,新学期任务布置。