

研讨班面向所有人开放,并热烈欢迎校内外的老师、同学们来介绍自己的研究(主题不限;理论、应用皆可;微观、宏观框架皆可;统计、数理方法皆可;中文、英文皆可。) 有意者请联系我们:翁丽影 (wengliying@hust.edu.cn),易鸣 (yiming@hust.edu.cn)。

07月03日 周二 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 宏观经济形势分析(李玮雪、宋亚军)
  2. 邹建文研究前沿介绍“Frontier of Structural Labor: a Micro Semi-structural Analysis”以及最近工作进展汇报 "using life cycle model to simulate the life cycle influence of different kinds of income shock".


06月19日 周二 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 翁丽影汇报最近工作进展《金融摩擦下的发展政策伤害了谁:精英还是草根》
  2. 陈亚会汇报最近工作进展


06月05日 周二 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 文献介绍。刘威(博士研究生)
  • Title: Highway toll and air pollution: Evidence from Chinese cities. (Fu and Gu, 2017)
  • Abstract: Most highways in urban China are tolled to finance their construction. During the eight-day National Day holiday in 2012, highway tolls were waived nationwide for passenger vehicles. We use this to identify the effects of highway tolls on air pollution. Using daily pollution and weather data for 98 Chinese cities in 2011 and 2012 and employing both a regression discontinuity design and differences-in-differences method with the 2011 National Day holiday as a control, we find that eliminating tolls increases pollution by 20% and decreases visibility by one kilometer. We also estimate that the toll elasticity of air pollution is −0.15. These findings complement the scant literature on the environmental impact of road pricing.
  • Discussant:翁丽影、魏玲洁
  • Download: working paper
  1. 杨迎亚(博士研究生)汇报最近工作进展

05月22日 周二 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。 张麒(博士研究生)
  • 题目: 环境分权与经济竞争背景下的河流跨界污染的县域证据
  • 摘要: 为考察环境分权和县域经济竞争体制下的河流跨界污染问题,本文通过引入污染“累积效应”和河流“自净效应”,建立了河流污染的外部性模型,并推导出相应的假说,再从不同环境规制强度和行政分割前后两个维度,对河流污染程度的动态变化进行了情景模拟。基于2004-2014年七大流域中国国控监测断面的周数据,本文对河流污染程度与“县边界-监测站”沿河距离的关系进行了实证检验,并进一步检验了不同行政分割程度下的“跨界效应”。研究发现:①随着河流接近下游行政边界,在更强“累积效应”作用下,污染程度逐步加深且速度加快,县域“跨界污染”问题显著;②随着河流跨越县域边界,在更强“自净效应”作用下,污染程度增长放缓乃至局部下降,县边界两侧污染程度呈现出结构性差异,且中西部地区结构性差异程度高于东部地区;③随着河流跨越的边界数量增加,污染也随之增加。据此,本文建议进一步健全河流污染监测体系,推进“河长制”管理模式,完善流域治理府际协调机制和官员离任审计等。
  • 评论人:邹建文、周叶迪
  • 下载: 幻灯片

05月08日 周二 7:30PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。顾晓敏(博士研究生)
  • Title: Arrival of Young Talents: Send-down Movement and Rural Education in China
  • Abstract: Understanding human capital spillovers is important for both theory of economic growth and public policy in education. However, empirical evidence is sparse. Convincing identification requires an exogenous relocation of a group of better-educated people. China's sent-down youth (SDY) movement serves as an excellent natural experiment. From 1962 to 1979, the government mandated the temporary resettlement of roughly 18 million urban youth to rural areas. Using a unique county-level data set compiled from over 3,000 local gazetteers, we estimate how rural children's exposure to those better-educated urban youth affects their educational attainment. Our identification strategy builds on two sources of variation. First, counties received different numbers of SDYs during the movement. Second, within the same county, children of different cohorts were exposed differently depending on how their schooling years overlapped with the movement. Empirical results suggest that the arrival of SDYs increases local rural children's education and improve their attitudes towards education. More interestingly, we find evidence that SDYs coming from far away exert greater externalities.
  • Discussant:翁丽影、陈亚会。
  • Download: working paper

04月24日 周二 7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。马志浩(硕士研究生)
  • 题目: 流动人口的自我选择与性别工资差异
  • 摘要: 本文使用流动人口动态监测数据和CLDS数据研究了流动人口自我选择对性别工资差距的影响,发现了以下三个结论:第一,不同性别针对省内流动与跨省流动具有显著的差异,相对于男性,女性具有更强烈的省内流动倾向;第二,针对跨省流动人口,男女流动人口都被“大城市“所吸引。我们发现收入对流动距离的弹性只有6%,因此流动距离对效用无明显影响。第三,整体考虑两性对职业与流动模式选择的影响,通过改进Brown分解方法,修正原有模型中的选择偏误。
  • 评论人:邹建文、冯飞洋
  • 下载:

04月10日 周二 7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。邹建文(博士研究生)
  • Title: Income Shock, Partial Insurance and Welfare Effect: Differece between Chinese Urban and Rural Consumption
  • Abstract: This paper estimate income shock, partial insurance based minimum distance estimator, and estimate preference parameter based life cycle model and simulated moment method. Using the estimated parameter, we calculate the welfare effect of income shock, partial insurance, and stochastic shock separately for Chinese rural and urban household. We find that Chinese rural household have higher income risk, better risk insurance, and have lower discount factor, slight higher risk aversion, comparing to urban household. The welfare effect of income shock, partial insurance, and stochastic shock is moderate.
  • Discussant:刘威、宋亚军
  • Download: slides

03月27日 周二 7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报。陈攀(研究生)
  • Title: Environmental protection inspection and air pollution in Hebei: Catch me if you can.
  • Abstract: Motivated by the intervention of central government’s environmental protection inspection in Hebei province from January 2016 to February 2016, this paper uses a panel data method initiated by Hsiao et al. (2012) to evaluate the impact that the inspection has on air quality in 8 serious haze-capped cities of Hebei province. We find the inspection lowers 17 weeks’ average AQI in Shijiazhuang (capital of Hebei province), Tangshan, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Cangzhou, Hengshui, and Xingtai by 13.13 (8.93%), 9.67 (7.6%), 9.6 (12.36%), 38 (16.25%), 39.73 (29.98%), 18.77 (16.2%), 4.73 (4.14%), and 17.65 (13.33%) respectively. We think an intuitive reason behind AQI’s sharp fall in Baoding and Langfang may owe to the two cities’ exactly neighboring Beijing, the capital of China, which brings them more pressure than other regions. Longer period’s average treatments for these cities are also provided, and they seem to imply a declining or even vanishing treatment effect for all cities. The environmental protection inspection may have played a role as ‘wind’: once it blows away, previously depressed polluting sources come to life again.
  • Discussant:李磊、李玮雪
  • Download: slides

03月15日 周四 7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 工作论文汇报 + 研究方向介绍。杨荷(中南财经政法大学文澜学院 助理教授)
  • 题目: 新制度经济学在西方经济史学科中的应用
  • 摘要: 新制度经济学在与西方经济史领域进行跨学科结合的过程中,起到了推动经济史学科方法论发展和开辟新研究视角的作用。本次讲座将介绍制度分析在西方经济史当中的几个经典课题,并总结五个典型的制度分析框架。以其中之一个框架为案例,本次讲座将阐述制度分析在英国敞田制地权研究和中国的一田二主制度研究当中的运用。
  • 评论人:翁丽影、陈亚会。
  • 下载: 幻灯片

03月01日 周四 7:00PM 经济学院402室

  1. 寒假见闻交流、新学期任务布置、奖励上学年研讨班表现优秀的同学。